Market Research with Small and Medium-Sized Samples


Better insight into the market - increased profit

Faktum Markedsanalyse offers all methods within market research. Established in 1974, we have more than 50 years of experience in market research. We offer all methods, - online & offline. We work with private companies and public organizations in Norway and abroad.

Our main competetive factors are:


Quick start-up and implementation
Reasonable prices

Some of our partners

See our partners


 'ELECTRICAL VEHICLES': In the EV (electrical vehicles) research category, - we have since 2013 conducted numerous projects for Norwegian and foreign clients. Methods and research areas; - CLT, in-home visits, car clinics, focus-groups, f2f, online, IDI's, ethnography, desk research, mystery shopping, long-term (1 year) automated technical monitoring, dealer-interviews.Some foreign clients; - Renault, Mazda, BMW, KIA, The Volkswagen Group, Toyota, Honda, Ford, Polestar, Huyndai, Nissan

Contact us

Contact information


Office hours:
Monday - Friday. 7.00-19.00,
Saturdays 7.00-17.00

Call us

Mobil/available 24/7:90 91 24 72
Telefax: 66 99 14 18


Office/ street adress:
Nordlivn. 5 a, 1415 Oppegård
Post: PB 210, 1416 Oppegård

Delivery of test products:
Nordlivn. 5 a, 1415 Oppegård